By now, I hope you realize that we are on the cusp of a major financial reset. I’ve been expecting this for several years now. However, in January of this year, it hit me like a thunderbolt that the most likely window of time for this event is 11/6/24 — 1/19/25. This is not exactly rocket science.
We are now nearing this very window, and everything is lining up perfectly. Yet few seem to be aware of what is about to happen. What you must understand is that this has been long planned, and it is anything but random.
Now, none of what I have to say is financial advice. To this end, I will not even name specific assets, only asset classes.
Still, the dominoes are all in order and this reset will affect the whole world. It is a massive initiation ritual as we collectively enter the new golden age of Horus. I’ve written about this event in Chapter 9 of my forthcoming book, God’s Final Battle, with much more background detail helping to place it biblically and historically.
We in the United States have been carefully taught to fear certain financial futures (CBDCs, socialism, etc.) and when those do not come to fruition, many will be elated. Thinking we have avoided the trap has that tricky little side effect of leaving us blind to the actual trap.
You must understand that the powers that be are absolutely guaranteed to be behind the new system, whatever precise form it will take. They simply must be. There is far too much money and power at stake. Do not for a second imagine that they have lost control. They are the deep fakers, and are only pretending to have lost control. In fact, they are also the very ones behind the telegraphed punch of the CBDCs, acting as if that was their end game when it never truly was. That bit of theatre was only intended to allow them to steer you down the gilded path towards the system they had wanted all along. And of course, it will look like wealth and ease and freedom for us plebeians.
In reality, it is intended to ensnare your heart in the world in the final hours of this fallen age. It is a grand distraction.
That said, we all need money to survive, and many of us have families to think of. So how can we best navigate the coming storm?
The first step is to gather good intel. Fortunately, I have done that already. I did it for myself, but I am glad to share with you the key bits of insight I have gleaned. This financial shift is but a part of the larger dark to light narrative being played out by the esoteric orders in these final days.
Again, it is an initiation ritual of the most deceptive nature. But in order for it to be effective, logically, there must be temporary pain and anguish and despair, as hordes of people see their money either evaporate or their access to it become greatly impaired. They must at a bare minimum fear that all is lost for a brief period of time.
If you can identify the master Masons and other secret society members pontificating on these subjects in the “alternative” media, you can listen carefully to what they have said in the past few years. They are guarded, but occasionally they will let the truth slip.
Having done this, I have noted that all the high-level occultists speak of a coming “collapse” or “reset.” This event is not a maybe in their minds, it is a certainty that has been planned in detail. They also speak at times of a new system coming on the heels of our failed fiat experiment. They know that the fiat currency must fail before a new system will be embraced by the populace. And obviously, they already have the new system waiting in the wings, ready to be rolled out at the right moment. Of course, the entire buildup must appear organic to the masses. The deception will be lathered on thick.
Paper money eventually returns to its intrinsic value: zero.
However, they have also said that if the collapse takes too long, then the “deep state” (dark side) wins.
This is precisely the kind of actionable intel we need.
It seems, in the end, we must be prepared for a period of distress, with potentially little access to funds and major disruption of economic activity. You could think of it as a financial lockdown. This most painful part of the process will likely not last for all that long.
The recovery will most likely be a bit protracted, as the new system is rolled out and implemented over time.
However, if I had to guess, I would say 1-2 weeks would be the most likely length for the financial lockdown phase. Perhaps even less. In the U.S., the blue cities could hardly be expected to last for much longer than this, without descending into utter chaos. And surely that would be a step too far. Some chaos is desirable to them, but mass chaos is not.
As discerning people, we must be prepared psychologically for these seismic shifts in the world’s monetary order. Closer to home, we must be ready to see the pixels on our own bank account screens either go poof or become inaccessible for a time. Most will panic. But we knew in advance. We must guard our hearts, for our treasure is not of this world.
Obviously, there is always money (or better said, “purchasing power”) to be made through events such as this one. But the precise details on the backing for the new system are closely guarded. From the various data points available to us, it seems that the new system will be backed by a basket of assets, rather than any one single asset. Crypto and commodities will likely both play parts. Whether or not the BRICs meeting next week will begin part of the whole domino effect in the financial plumbing, I cannot say for certain. But it would not surprise me (October surprise?). Whatever the case, government bonds are almost surely doomed not far down the road.
Whatever BRICs does or does not do, the reverse repos and bank reserves are already nearing critical levels. The collapse is going to happen on schedule regardless of which specific triggers are primary or secondary. The dominoes are already in order.
The revaluation is coming. But first the collapse. The collapse will not happen all at once, but little by little in the coming months. That said, there will most likely still be a Black Monday type day to cap off the collapse. Interestingly, the last trading day within the window I’ve indicated above is 1/17/25. If you know anything about the esoteric meaning of the number 17, this is quite curious.
Now, this day - as perfect as it seems - may very well not be the big day of the Black Monday style collapse. It could easily be another day earlier that week or even a few weeks before it.
But ... if I had to choose one day on which they would pull the rug and allow the last bit of the collapse to happen, then 1/17/25 would absolutely be it.
It feels like this day is way too perfect and obvious if you understand even a bit of what is actually going on in the larger story, but often the obvious is exactly what ends up playing out. The revaluation would follow roughly a week later, after sufficient pain has been felt by all of us plebeians.
The good news is that this coming counterfeit golden age, in which children will continue to be sacrificed and countless humans will suffer and die at the hands of the elite occultists, will not last for long. King Jesus is on the move, bringing the true golden age that never ends.
As I wrote in my last book, God’s Final Battle.
Mystery Babylon is passing away. Her end has been foretold, and it will arrive at the appointed time.
The liar messiah and his kingdom will melt away like the morning frost, but our Messiah will rule for all time. Everything that seems to have been long since lost to us will be restored one hundred-fold. All things will be made new. And of the increase of Yeshua’s peace there will be no end.
Our King is coming.
— God’s Final Battle